
To avoid the problem of sudden disappearance of cryptocurrency from your wallet, you should pay attention to security rules. Our lawyers will tell you a little about them.

Careful handling of personal information online

It is clear that you need to use a separate phone number and email address. Do not post such data in the public domain. This also applies to social networks and blogs. Do not use this address and number for anything else. And, of course, the password should not be repeated anywhere. Don't choose a password that's too simple and write it down where unauthorized persons can access it.

Account security measures

Two-factor authentication, i.e. confirming that you are the owner of the account in two ways, not just one. Be sure to enable it. It is better to spend an extra few minutes logging in than to part with your money;

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

The rule is the same as with bank accounts. Distribute the available funds to several independent repositories. This is also true for fiat funds.

Install a reliable antivirus on your computer

Fraudsters most often gain access to cryptocurrency wallets through virus programs. In addition to installing it, you should take care to regularly update your antivirus software.

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