Before registering a crypto business in England, you should familiarize yourself with the types of licenses for it in this country and learn as much as possible about the procedure for obtaining them.
In the UK, the functioning of cryptocurrencies is at an early stage, but is actively supported by the government.
The advantage of cryptocurrencies in the UK – their anonymity. There is also interest in virtual currencies, when tokens based on Blockchain technology are issued in exchange for cryptocurrencies.
The European cryptocurrency market has a clear regulatory framework, so we can recommend opening a company for crypto activities in the UK. But in any case, you will need the support of a lawyer so that no questions arise for you.
It is necessary for the state regulator to provide complete information about the company, as required by law.
Using Due Diligence procedures, risks are identified and measures are taken to eliminate the identified risks. Such activities are aimed at combating money laundering. All these nuances can only be known by specialists who know the peculiarities of the cryptocurrency market in the UK.
You must go through a special procedure:
It has its own characteristics. Not all types of cryptocurrency-related businesses are taxed equally:
Company registration must be approved by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). We will do everything possible to ensure that your business receives such approval:
We have lawyers with many years of experience with digital assets in the UK. We will be happy to help you.
If you want to conduct business using cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, Сonalz specialists will advise you on all issues that arise. We will also assist in opening an office in the UK, provide the necessary administrative assistance and secretarial services. All this will significantly simplify your work. Your personal presence in the UK will not be required.
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